I hope to be updating this blog as I usually had. It seems so many things had kept me from sewing for one reason or another. I've had so many ideas sitting on the backburner it's literally kept me up at nights.
First things first, as you can see, this isn't a 'Lily' post. Occasionally I have ideas for myself that never come to fruition because I'm too busy sewing for Lily. And I've had a few people ask me if I could make adult sized versions of a few of my posts.
Don't worry. I still have a million child sized ideas but every once in a while I might sprinkle a mommy sized piece to mix things up:)
This is my FIRST adult sized giveaway. Most of the time my ideas result from being unable to find a look I've seen in a magazine or television.
I had seen a similar blouse worn by another 'Lily' that is the character Lily on 'How I met your Mother'. She always wears the coolest things! Then again, she is supposed to be a shopaholic. I couldn't even find a similar look at Anthropologie (not that I would have been able to afford it anyway). So I got out my scissors, measuring tape and pins to make my first 'adult' piece in almost a year!
I thought this blouse would be perfect to wear on a casual first date perhaps at a coffee shop, restaurant/bar or park. Or even a quick lunch date with your husband. It's dressy enough to look special but still has a casual feel.
The giveaway is for the blouse only. But if the winning blog also leaves a comment I will include the twin bird headband worn in the photographs as well!
The collar stands tall instead of folding over giving the blouse a vintage feel. It looks good with a hairdo that's pulled up since it hugs the nape of the neck.
This blouse also looks good with a skinny jean. I bought the ones in the photographs at Forever 21 for only $12! You can't beat that.
Oh but what I really believe completed this look were the cowboy boots. They are about one size too small but they are so chic that I'll put up with the pain. They were given to me by a friend of mine whose grandmother had to enter a nursing home. Yes, they were worn by a 80-something year old woman! Bravo! I have to admit, I felt a bit nervous in them myself!
Here's a rundown of the other pieces in the photos in case you had an interest.
Jeans: Forever 21
Boots: Estate Sale
Cami: Old Navy
Necklace: Forever 21
Earrings: Manic Trout
I also have to give a BIG thanks to Brian for taking the photographs, putting up with my constant criticism, aggressive suggestions.......and treating me to a yummy Caeser salad:) Not to mention using his lunch hour. I'm just not used to being the one in the front of the camera:) I think he understands.
Last day for posts is Wednesday 1/25/09. Winner will be announced Tuesday!
As usual, if you would like a chance to win this blouse just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
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→The Lunch Date Blouse GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.
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