Seeing as we are now approaching December and the temperature is averaging in the mid-30s with steady winds at 20mph, I considered myself lucky on this relatively mild photo shoot. Winds would have ruined the balloons and Lily has no tolerance for the cold. This might be one of my last outdoor least for a while.
It is made of warm red wool with a blue pinstripe lining that can be seen on the inside of the detachable hood which buttons on the back. I made the sleeves 3/4 length and cropped the top as well. The boatneck collar is tall and wide leaving lots of room for a nice warm scarf and the bottom half of the jacket is gathered. But my favorite part is the side button enclosure rather than the tradition front opening.
The pants are made from a dark washed denim. I added white buttons on a slant on either side giving it a 60s 'sailor' feel and cut the pants wider at the bottom adding to the retro look. I added elastic to the back of the waist so it can fit a wider range of ages. The black striped shirt is mine:) I bought it at Forever 21.
Lily was a perfect model for this photo shoot considering the cooler weather. I think the ten balloons has something to do with it. She loved pulling on the strings and watching the balloons bounce up and down. When we bought them at Party City she begged me to buy the SpongeBob mylar balloon when all of a sudden the cashier handed us our candy striped helium bouquet, Lily forgot all about her googly eyed, mustard colored my relieved surprise.
In the end I considered trying to get a shot of Lily releasing the balloons. Ultimately, I chickened out. Aside from the ensuing tears and regret I feared a fine. Surely there are laws against wayward balloons in the city. I considered letting Lily take the fall if we got 'made'. It's almost all but certain that a 4-year-old would 'accidentally' let go of a balloon bundle. Right?
If the winning blog also leaves a comment I will include a new pair of the navy gloves that accompany the outfit in the photos.
Keeping in mind that the jacket is purposely cropped, I would say that this jacket and pant would fit a 2T-4T:)
Last day for posts is Tuesday 12/02/08. Winner will be announced Thursday morning!
As usual, if you would like a chance to win this jacket and pant just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
As with my last two giveaways, I've decided to extend this giveaway one more week! From here on out, you can have an extra week to enter!
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→Downtown Holiday Jacket and Pant GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.
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